Product description: Blank Colored Cars Clipart
11 different colors
Format: 11 PNG images
Age group: 2 to 5
Cars Clipart
Personal and Commercial use
DELIVERY: Instant Download
Your files will be available to download once payment is confirmed.
I do not accept returns, exchanges or cancellations.
Please contact the seller about any problems with your order.
This file is Non Transferable and for personal single use ONLY UNLESS you intend to use it to create and sell
your own creative products with it.
If you intend to use for commercial use you MUST purchase a COMMERCIAL USE LICENSE.
If you do not wish to give credit you MUST purchase my NO CREDIT SMALL COMMERCIAL USE LICENSE
You may use this license for up to 500 sales
If you wish to sell more than 500 products using this clipart you MUST purchase my NO CREDIT UNLIMITED LICENSE
Add this product to your shopping cart and the license you wish to use if you plan to sell products with NO CREDIT given or
more than 500 product sales with this clipart.
Then write the name(s) of the clipart set(s) that you would like to use the license for in the 'message to seller' as you pass through the
checkout. After you purchase, please download and read your Terms of Use license information.
THANK YOU! Enjoy and Best wishes!
USE OF CLIPART: Display the clipart in places on your products, but only as part of your own unique created design.
Clipart may not be not be sold 'as is' or sold in a form where it can be extracted as re-usable clipart.Please do not display the clipart at high resolution, on a white background on the internet.
When you create products using my clipart they must be notably different and should not be the sole, or major pointof the product that you create and sell. You must be sure that all images are flattened and secured so that the clipart may not be
extracted by the end user. You have permission to use my clipart for educational products and supporting educational materials such as worksheets, classroom activities, flash cards, puzzles, games, lesson plans etc.
YOU MAY NOT: Claim any of my products as your own. Redistribute, share, or resell any of my products as is, use in a customer interactive
product such as Smart boards, active boards, or phone apps.
Extract or alter any content that is within the files. You may not Tube my files.
Be used in any form of promotion, marketing, graphic or logo products.
Create rubber or digital stamps out of anything in the files.
Use any of my files in any type of club or membership area, including printable clubs, scrapbooking clubs, ect..
Copy Little Learner Printables graphics to create clipart.
Recolor, modify, or alter the clipart in any way for any reason.
Produce any products that contain my clipart only.Use Little Learner Printables graphics for social media posts, commentary ,that are distasteful, offensive or hurtful.
Sell commercially as SVG cut files, digital paper or scrapbook kits.
THANK YOU! Enjoy and Best wishes!
Linda C